Descarcă Mindsight [Cartea: pdf, epub, mobi] | Daniel J. Siegel

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Daniel J. Siegel

Data publicării:2018
Categoria:Sanatate, dezvoltare personala
Nr Pag:400
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Clinician talentat si sensibil, dar si stralucita minte sintetizatoare a descoperirilor datorate cercetarilor neurostiintelor si din domeniul dezvoltarii copilului, dr. Siegel ne ofera o harta ce ne arata drumul inainte. De‑a lungul anilor, scrierile sale despre creier, psihoterapie si ingrijirea copiilor au fost inovatoare, iar seminariile sale sunt extrem de apreciate in randul specialistilor.

Creierul, ne reaminteste el, este un organ social. Observarea mintii este conceptul central in „neurobiologia interpersonala”, un domeniu pe care dr. Siegel l‑a descoperit. Aceasta abordare relaționala a ceea ce se intampla in creier ne permite sa ințelegem in ce fel interactiunile zilnice ne afecteaza din punct de vedere neurologic, modelandu-ne circuitele neuronale. […]

„Mindsight‑ul” joaca un rol integrator in triunghiul ce conecteaza relatiile, mintea si creierul. Pe masura ce energia si informatia traverseaza toate aceste elemente ale experientei umane, apar tipare care le modeleaza pe toate trei (iar aici creierul include si extensia sa, sistemul nervos din intregul corp). Aceasta conceptie este holistica in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, cuprinzand intreaga noastra fiinta. Datorita mindsight‑ului, putem cunoaste si gestiona mai bine acest flux vital al fiintei.

Detaliile biografice ale doctorului Siegel sunt impresionante. A studiat la Harvard, iar in prezent este profesor de psihiatrie clinica la UCLA (Universitatea din California, Los Angeles) si codirector al Mindful Awareness Research Center, de la aceeasi universitate. A fondat Institutul Mindsight, pe care il si conduce. Dar si mai impresionanta este insasi persoana sa, o prezenta atenta, sintonizata si hranitoare. Dr. Siegel intruchipeaza exact ceea ce ne invața. Daniel Goleman

„Mindsight” este un fel de atentie concentrata care ne permite sa vedem mecanismele interne ale mintilor noastre. Ne ajuta sa fim constienti de procesele noastre mintale, fara sa fim acaparați de ele, ne permite sa decuplam pilotul automat al comportamentelor si al raspunsurilor noastre reflexe adanc inradacinate si ne scapa din capcanele emotionale reactive in care avem cu totii tendinta de a ne lasa prinsi la infinit. Ne permite „sa numim si sa imblanzim” emotiile traite, in loc sa fim coplesiti de ele. Gandiți-va la diferenta dintre a spune „Sunt trist” si „Ma simt trist”. Oricat de asemanatoare ar parea cele doua enunturi, intre ele exista, de fapt, o diferenta profunda. „Sunt trist” e un fel de autodefinire, chiar una foarte limitativa. „Ma simt trist” sugereaza capacitatea de a recunoaste si de a lua la cunostinta sentimentul respectiv, fara a‑i permite sa ne consume.

Creierul realizeaza ceea ce eu numesc o „harta‑eu”, care ne da posibilitatea de „vedere” inlauntrul nostru, si „harti‑tu”, care ne permit sa „vedem” in ceilalti. In plus, se pare ca mai cream si „harti‑noi”, adica reprezentari ale relatiilor noastre. Fara aceste harti, suntem incapabili sa percepem mintea dinauntrul nostru sau din altii. Fara o harta‑eu, de exemplu, putem fi coplesiti de propriile ganduri sau inundati de propriile sentimente. Fara o harta‑tu, nu vedem decat comportamentul celorlalti, aspectul fizic al realitatii, fara sa avem idee de miezul subiectiv, de oceanul mintal interior al celorlalti. Tocmai aceasta harta‑tu ne permite sa fim empatici. Daniel J. Siegel

Mindsight de Daniel J. Siegel descarcă cartea. Wheel of Awareness Learn the basics of Dan’s groundbreaking mindfulness practice, the Wheel of Awareness, that has been used with thousands of people around the world. LEARN MORE Healthy Mind Platter Seven daily essential mental activities to optimize brain matter and create well-being. LEARN MORE Everyday Mindsight Tools Cartea Mindsight, noua stiinta a transformarii personale face parte din categoria Psiho,psihanaliza, Log. Este o carte groasă – trebuie să îți faci timp pentru ea – are 400 de pagini. Learning the skills of mindsight has three results: “One is seeing the mind of oneself for insight. The second is seeing the minds of others for empathy. And the third means moving our own minds 031-433.50.68 L-V 09:30 – 17:30 Livrare în România 1-3 zile lucrătoare Ridicare din Easybox 1-3 zile lucrătoare 3 persoane se uită la acest produs. Grăbește-te! La acest produs, stocurile sunt limitate. Specificații Mindsight. Noua stiinta a transformarii personale Număr pagini 400 Editura Herald Autor Daniel J. Siegel Anul publicării 2022 ISBN Mindsight de Daniel J. Siegel Titlu apărut în colecția Psihopractica la Herald Transport gratuit la comenzile de peste 140 de lei ISBN: 9789731118871 copertă: Paperback brosat număr pagini: 400 dimensiuni: 13×20 cm hârtie: 80g/m ‹ › Te-ar putea interesa și Parentaj sensibil şi inteligent Daniel J. Siegel, Mary Hartzell 42,5 lei În stoc Cartea Mindsight a fost scrisă de Daniel J. Siegel și a apărut în anul 2011 la editura Oneworld Publications. Cartea are 336 de pagini și se încadrează în categoria carti_engleza. Dacă îți dorești să citești cartea integral folosește butoanele de mai jos pentru a naviga la librăriile online care comercializează cartea Mindsight în format fizic. Honing the 9 Prefrontal Functions: Siegel touts 9 of the major functions of the prefrontal cortex as being key to the development of Mindsight: bodily regulation, attuned communication, emotional balance, response flexibility, fear modulation, empathy, insight, moral awareness and intuition. These 9 facets make emotional well-being. “Mindsight” is a term coined by Dr. Dan Siegel to describe our human capacity to perceive the mind of the self and others. It is a powerful lens through which we can understand our inner lives with more clarity, integrate the brain, and enhance our relationships with others. $299.95 Mindsight Calming Desk Décor: Touch to Power Peaceful ‘Ripple’ Kinetic Motion: Stress & Anxiety Relief Tool for Office & Home: Encourages Mindfulness: Simple Meditation – Pause & Reset $24.95 Disconnect from your phone and devices to minimize unhealthy habits and enhance your well-being. Showing us mindsight in action, Dr. Siegel describes • a sixteen-year-old boy with bipolar disorder who uses meditation and other techniques instead of drugs to calm the emotional storms that made him suicidal • a woman paralyzed by anxiety, who uses mindsight to discover, in an unconscious memory of a childhood accident, the source of her Mindsight de Daniel J. Siegel descarcă cartea pdf, epub, mobi. There are three basic kinds of „mindsight maps”: your own, that of the other person, and both together in relationship. Learning the skills of mindsight has three results: “One is seeing theMindsight is a notoriously powerful feat from page 126 of Lords of Madness: The Book of Aberrations. A creature that has this feat possesses innate telepathic ability that allows it to precisely pinpoint other thinking beings within range of its telepathy. The creature perceives where the others are and how powerful their intellects are. Mindsight is a values-driven brand that invents and innovates mindfulness products. We value, Living in the moment, Being present, and Deeper connections. Showing us mindsight in action, Dr. Siegel describes • a sixteen-year-old boy with bipolar disorder who uses meditation and other techniques instead of drugs to calm the emotional storms that made him suicidal • a woman paralyzed by anxiety, who uses mindsight to discover, in an unconscious memory of a childhood accident, the source of her Type: Company – Private. Industry: Information Technology Support Services. Revenue: $25 to $100 million (USD) Competitors: Unknown. Mindsight is a technology consulting firm that provides thoughtfully-crafted and thoroughly-vetted perspectives to its Chicago area clients’ toughest technology challenges. Mindsight’s recommendations come Page 2. Advance praise for MINDSIGHT “Mindsight is a seminal piece on bringing neuroscience to everyday life, helping us to understand what can go awry in the mind so that, armed with that knowledge, we will be better able to change. The book is a wonderful journey from the mind through the brain and the body and then back again. Dr. Jan 14, 2014 12:25 PM By Researchers debunk ideas of a sixth sense or ESP by proving that people can reliably sense when a change has occurred, even when they cannot see what has changed — an ability referred to as mindsight. Handshake image via Shutterstock. Time to stop visiting the psychic! Lesson 1: Imagine yourself as a river to stay calm and balanced. This is it. If I could only ever give you three lessons to live by, this would be one of them. It’s been one of the core things that’s allowed me to live a very happy life so far. Ready for it? Be balanced and harmonic. I believe in the golden mean. Always have, always will. Details Analytics Artificial Intelligence Augmented Reality Business Intelligence Enterprise Software Machine Learning Software Software Engineering Virtual Reality Headquarters Regions European Union (EU) Founded Date Jan 4, 2017 Founders Eddy Reyes, Richard Chan Operating Status Closed Last Funding Type Venture – Series Unknown Comanda cartea Mindsight. Noua stiinta a transformarii personale – de Daniel J. Siegel – de la Editura Herald. Expediem national. Librarie online – Cititul inseamna cultura.

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