Descarcă Metro 2033 | Dmitri Gluhovski | [Cartea: pdf, epub, mobi]

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Carte electronică – Metro 2033

Dmitri Gluhovski

Data publicării:2016
Nr Pag:624
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În anul 2033, supraviețuitorii unui război atomic planetar încearcă să-și continue existența sub pământ, în stațiile de metrou din Moscova, unde pericole nebănuite îi așteaptă la tot pasul. În lupta cu Întunecații – creaturi misterioase care trăiesc la suprafață și care coboară în adâncuri în căutarea oamenilor –, Artiom, personajul central al cărții, trece prin experiențe care îi demonstrează că cel mai mare pericol pentru om rămân tot oamenii. Metro 2033 este un roman apocaliptic ce clădește un univers de coșmar pe ruinele lumii imperfecte a zilelor noastre.

Metro 2033 nu este doar o călătorie presărată cu întâmplări ieșite din comun, ci este o incursiune în psihicul uman, o călătorie ce explorează cele mai adânc înrădăcinate frici ale omului.“ Fantasy Book Review

Metro 2033 de Dmitri Gluhovski descarcă cartea. Outside of Moscow, confirmed locations with existing communities of survivors include: Warsaw, Kraków, as well as a number of cities, towns and villages across Poland; Kiev, the capital of Ukraine; Minsk, the capital of Belarus; the Italian capital of Rome; plus plenty of other areas in Russia, such as the renowned city of St. Petersburg. This weapon can be thrown or used in melee. It is silenced, and can kill unalerted, unarmored enemies with one shot. Thrown knives can be recovered if they were not destroyed or out of reach Venice Last Light Novel Map Geographical Information Moscow Half: Metro Size: Three Stations Political Information Owning Party: Gangsters Lore Information Progenitor: Flooded station of Piter Real-world Counterpart: Tretyakovskaya Venice (Russian: Венеция) refers to the flooded sections of Tretyakovskaya and Novokuznetskaya Station in the Metro. Gameplay A gameplay screenshot of Metro 2033. The tunnels are often dimly lit, and the player must use a flashlight to see in the darkness. Metro 2033 is a first-person shooter video game. [1] It is predominantly set within the tunnels of the Moscow Metro, though some sections take place on the surface, in the ruins of Moscow. [2] The Legend „During Ragnarok, the last battle of the gods, the Soviet Pantheon would take shelter in Metro-2 if the forces of evil should prevail. The Metro was made for the sheep (the metro inhabitants) and Metro-2 was made for the shepherds (the Invisible Watchers) and their dogs. Trolley Combat. The majority of this level will be using the hydarulic turret to aim and fire. Use your arrow keys (or movement joystick defaulted to the left) for rotating the turret. While Set in the shattered subway of a post apocalyptic Moscow, Metro 2033 is a story of intensive underground survival where the fate of mankind rests in your hands. In 2013 the world was devastated by an apocalyptic event, annihilating almost all mankind and turning the earth’s surface into a poisonous wasteland. Metro 2033 takes place in 2033, twenty years after the bombs fell. The story begins with a 24-year-old survivor named Artyom who lives in a station called Exhibition. The Metro Universe is a franchise inspired by Dmitry Glukhovsky’s Metro trilogy of books. The world lies at the intersection of several genres, including post-apocalyptic, horror, fantasy, and science fiction. Glukhovsky consulted on the three game titles developed by 4A games. The setting has spawned a series of short stories, novels, and 4 Trivia 5 Gallery Overview As their name implies, the Cannibals feed on any humans unfortunate enough to visit their bunker. They are mostly made up of construction workers, non-military personnel, and a handful of surviving officers who were trapped in the bunker when the bombs fell. Metro 2033 de Dmitri Gluhovski descarcă cartea pdf, epub, mobi. Updated Apr 4, 2012 Metro 2033 is not your typical „shoot the mutants” videogame; there are elements of survival horror, and when you have a chance, it’s far better to run away than to fight.This one-two tactic will take out the enemy vehicle in a pinch. Destroy the barricade at the second Nazi platform (shoot the wooden barricade’s supports) and after another Nazi railcar, you will beSet in the shattered subway of a post apocalyptic Moscow, Metro 2033 is a story of intensive underground survival where the fate of mankind rests in your hands. Metro 2033 – Set in the shattered subway of a post apocalyptic Moscow, Metro 2033 is a story of intensive underground survival where the fate of mankind rests in your hands. A handful of survivors took refuge in the depths of the Moscow The Metro Universe is a franchise inspired by Dmitry Glukhovsky’s Metro trilogy of books. The setting has spawned a series of short stories, novels, and Metro 2033 takes place in 2033, twenty years after the bombs fell. Experience one of the finest story-driven shooters of all time: Metro 2033, now remastered for the Xbox One. Newcomers will experience an epic post-apocalyptic adventure combining thrilling survival horror, combat and stealth, while fans will discover the unique world of Metro transformed with incredible next generation fidelity. The beginning: Metro 2033. In 2013 the world was devastated by an apocalyptic event. A handful of survivors took refuge in the depths of the Moscow undergroundThe year is 2033. You are Artyom, born in the last days before the fire, but raised Underground. One fateful event sparks a desperate mission to the heart of the Metro system, to warn Metro 2033 este un roman apocaliptic ce clădește un univers de coșmar pe ruinele lumii imperfecte a zilelor noastre. „Metro 2033 nu este doar o călătorie presărată cu întâmplări ieșite din comun, ci este o incursiune în psihicul uman, o călătorie ce explorează cele mai adânc înrădăcinate frici ale omului.“.

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