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Carte electronică – Ikigai

Francesc Miralles

Data publicării:2017
Categoria:Sanatate, dezvoltare personala
Nr Pag:176
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„Ikigai.. Acest concept japonez, care s-ar traduce prin «fericirea de a fi mereu ocupat», pare să explice extraordinara longevitate a japonezilor, mai ales din insula Okinawa. Acolo, numărul persoanelor centenare depășește cu mult media mondială.

Cultivarea prieteniilor, alimentația moderată, odihna adecvată și mișcarea ușoară par să facă parte din ecuația sănătății, însă în centru este acea joie de vivre, bucuria de a trăi, care îi ajută să însumeze ani și să sărbătorească în continuare fiecare răsărit de soare, ikigai-ul personal al fiecaruia.“ (HÉCTOR GARCÍA (KIRAI) și FRANCESC MIRALLES)
Cele 10 legi ale ikigai-ului:
1. Fii mereu activ, nu te pensiona niciodată.
2. Privește lucrurile cu calm.
3. Nu mânca pe săturate.
4. Înconjoară-te de prieteni buni.
5. Fii în formă pentru următoarea ta aniversare.
6. Zâmbește.
7. Reconectează-te la natură.
8. Fii recunoscător.
9. Trăiește clipa.
10. Urmează-ți ikigai-ul.

Ikigai de Francesc Miralles descarcă cartea. What the world needs What you can be paid for The Finding Your Ikigai tool is an easy-to-use exercise to help clients find purpose and meaning in their lives by engaging in the Japanese practice of ikigai. This tool takes approximately 30-60 minutes to administer and is accompanied by the following diagram: The ikigai Venn diagram provides a powerful framework for thinking about how to spend your time. The most important lessons are as follows: Don’t neglect any of the circles. Aim for the intersections. Balance Lesson #1 is really about balance. Ignoring one or more of the circles is a recipe for dissatisfaction. Passion – what you love. Vocation – what you are good at. Mission – what the world needs. Profession – what you can get paid for. According to Yukari Mitsuhashi (2018), ikigai not only concerns our overall life goals and meaning but is found in individual moments and curiosity for every aspect of our way of life. Ikigai is future oriented and long-term, and as such involves the pursuit of goals. As goals are personal, meaningful and involve effort and persistence, the pursuit of them can lead to a sense of well-being. And goals give us a sense of purpose, thus pursuing them makes life worth living. Tokyo-based neuroscientist and author Ken Mogi identifies the five central pillars of ikigai as: Starting small. Releasing yourself. Harmony and sustainability. The joy of little things. Being in the here and now. According to Mogi, these pillars formed as a natural extension of the Japanese mindset and culture. I’ve also seen ikigai translated as: “reason for being”. “the reason for which you wake up in the morning”. “The direct translation is the ‘happiness of being busy. ‘” 4 (Note: I’ll assume they mean living a full life vs busy life) After rereading the bolded areas above, what if we were to view ikigai like this: Ikigai (ee-key-guy) is a Japanese concept that combines the terms iki, meaning “alive” or “life,” and gai, meaning “benefit” or “worth.” When combined, these terms mean that which gives your life worth, meaning, or purpose. Ikigai is similar to the French term “raison d’etre” or “reason for being.” According to psychologist Katsuya Inoue, ikigai is a concept consisting of two aspects: „sources or objects that bring value or meaning to life” and „a feeling that one’s life has value or meaning because of the existence of its source or object”. Inoue classifies ikigai into three directions – social ikigai, non-social ikigai, and anti Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your ‘reason for being.’ ‘Iki’ in Japanese means ‘life,’ and ‘gai’ describes value or worth. Your ikigai is your life purpose or your bliss. It’s what brings you joy and inspires you to get out of bed every day. Ikigai. Cum să-ți găsești drumul în viață – Francesc Miralles, Héctor García autorii își propun, de data aceasta, să-i ajute pe cei mai tineri cititori ca, împreună cu părinții lor, să-și descopere pasiunile și să-și găsească propriul drum. Ikigai de Francesc Miralles descarcă cartea pdf, epub, mobi. As mentioned earlier, to find your Ikigai, you need to find these 4 things: what you love doing (passion), what the world needs (mission), what you’re good at (vocation), and what you can be paid for (profession). Then from there, take the intersection from the four above just like this diagram below. Source. 1. Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life 2. Ikigai for Leaders and Organisations 3. Ikigai: Giving Every Day Meaning and Joy 4. How to Ikigai: Lessons for Finding Happiness and Living Your Life’s Purpose 5. The Little Book of Ikigai Ikigai Tools A Take-Home Message References 1. “The term ikigai compounds two Japanese words: iki meaning ‘ life; alive ‘ and kai meaning ‘ (an) effect; (a) result; (a) fruit; (a) worth; (a) use; (a) benefit; (no, little) avail’ (sequentially voiced as gai) to arrive at ‘ a reason for living (being alive); a meaning for (to) life; what (something that) makes life worth living; a raison d’etrIkigai (生き甲斐, lit. ‘a reason for being’) is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living. Meaning and etymology Look up ikigai in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. So where to start? Ask yourself questions, just as you would if you were changing careers. Start with the basic questions outlined in the ikigai diagram and then hone in specifically from there. Remember, ikigai isn’t achieved overnight and isn’t meant to add undue stress to your life. Click AICI pentru a cumpara cartea. Acolo, numarul persoanelor centenare depaseste cu mult media mondiala. ISBN: 978-973-50-7305-3 Editura: Humanitas Anul publicării: 2023 Pagini: 160 Categoria: Carti pentru copii adaugă la Favorite recomandă unui prieten ai întrebări? scrie o recenzie Distribuie pe: DESCRIERE Ikigai.

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