Descarcă cartea Infinite Jest de David Foster Wallace | Carte straina

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David Foster Wallace

Data publicării:1997
Categoria:Carte straina
Nr Pag:1104
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Somewhere in the not-so-distant future the residents of Ennet House, a Boston halfway house for recovering addicts, and students at the nearby Enfield Tennis Academy are ensnared in the search for the master copy of INFINITE JEST, a movie said to be so dangerously entertaining its viewers become entranced and expire in a state of catatonic bliss…

‘Wallace’s exuberance and intellectual impishness are a delight, and he has deep things to say about the hollowness of contemporary American pleasure… sentences and whole pages are marvels of cosmic concentration… Wallace is a superb comedian of culture’

Infinite Jest de David Foster Wallace descarcă cartea. Buy Study Guide Infinite Jest Character List Hal Incandenza The protagonist of the novel and a student at Enfield Tennis Academy. Hal is the youngest of Avril Incandenza’s three boys. Hal’s relationship to the suicide of his father has led many to conclude that Hal is a type for Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Overview. Infinite Jest is a fiction novel by David Foster Wallace. First published in 1996, the novel has an unconventional narrative structure with hundreds of extensive footnotes. Exploring themes of addiction, alienation, and the plight of modern existence, Infinite Jest is famous for its complexity and humor. 1. Wallace began writing Infinite Jest in earnest in 1991. „I wanted to do something sad,” he said in an interview with Salon shortly after its publication in 1996. „I’d done some funny stuff and Guide to Infinite Jest was helpful, too. However both sources ultimately are incomplete and sometimes erroneous in their dating. That being said, they still both helped tremendously. Some final advice before you embark. If this is your first time reading Infinite Jest – stop. Read it the way Wallace intended first. Her name is Joelle van Dyne, a.k.a. Madame Psychosis. Most of the plot takes place in the Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment (Y.D.A.U.). Time, in Wallace’s speculative future, has been subsidized. Millicent Kent. Millicent is a student at E.T.A. She is #1 on the girls’ 16-A team, but dreams of devoting herself to contemporary dance instead of tennis, even though she is not a talented dancer. She has a crush on Mario and instigates a brief sexual encounter with him. year of glad.6 Buy Study Guide Infinite Jest Summary and Analysis of Chapters 1 – 10 Summary Hal Incandenza sits in an admissions office at the University of Arizona, where he is being tentatively offered a large scholarship to play varsity tennis. The meeting is tense, and Hal is extremely nervous, bordering on panicked. Chapter 1 Note: The narrative is non-chronological; its structure is meant to follow the pattern of a Sierpinski triangle, a mathematically-generated pattern of triangles inside triangles. Theory three: Infinite Jest is a peerlessly gripping novel of character. Even very fine novelists struggle with character, because creating characters that are not just prismatic snap-off versions of oneself happens to be supremely difficult. In How Fiction Works, the literary critic James Wood, whose respectful but ultimately cool view of Infinite Jest de David Foster Wallace descarcă cartea pdf, epub, mobi. Overview Infinite Jest is a fiction novel by David Foster Wallace. Guide to Infinite Jest was helpful, too. 88,200 ratings10,730 reviews A gargantuan, mind-altering tragi-comedy about the Pursuit of Happiness in America. 2884 likes Like “You will become way less concerned with what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest 1927 likes Like “Mario, what do you get when you cross an insomniac, an unwilling agnostic and a dyslexic?” „I give.” Dr. James Incandenza / Jim James is Avril ’s husband, the father (or presumed father, in the case of Mario) of Orin, Mario, and Hal, and the Founding Director of E.T.A. James Incandenza / Jim Orin Incandenza Orin is the eldest of the Incandenza children. There’s a tiny fellowship of people who know how difficult it is to sit in a room and read Infinite Jest out loud. Right now, their ranks stand at two. And, given the nature of copyright law, it History Infinite Jest was published on February 1st, 1996 by Little, Brown and Company. [1] The plot features several interweaving narratives, connected via a film that is so entertaining, everyone who watches it loses all motivation to do anything but rewatch it until they die. In How Fiction Works, the literary critic James Wood, whose respectful but ultimately cool view of For me it’s one of a half-dozen or so books that really got into my brain and changed my perspective on a lot of things, but it does make you work for it. It’s not a flawless masterpiece, but its valleys can be as fascinating as its peaks. If you’re looking for a „big book” to challenge you couldn’t do much better. Infinite Jest provides insight into a future world where addiction is less of a particular problem that needs remedying and more a way of being.

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