Descarcă cartea Ho’Oponopono | Sanatate, dezvoltare personala

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Carte electronică – Ho’Oponopono

Laurence Dujardin

Data publicării:2017
Categoria:Sanatate, dezvoltare personala
Nr Pag:150
Editura:Didactica Publishing House
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Ho’oponopono este o metodă ancestrală de a rezolva problemele, transmisă de vracii havaieni. Ea propune în special eliberarea de greutatea amintirilor. Această sinteză introductivă retrasează originile, bazele și practicile Ho’oponopono. Metoda insistă mai ales asupra rolului energiei în viețile noastre și asupra legilor invizibile care o guvernează în viața de zi cu zi. Însoțită de un joc de cărți detașabil și frumos colorate, cartea constituie un ghid complet de relaxare.

Ho’Oponopono de Laurence Dujardin descarcă cartea. Hoʻoponopono. Hoʻoponopono ( Hawaiian pronunciation: [ho.ʔ]) is a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. The Hawaiian word translates into English simply as correction, with the synonyms manage or supervise. Key points Ho’oponopono is a centuries old native Hawaiian method of apology and forgiveness still practiced by many families. The four steps in ho’oponopono are remorse, forgiveness, gratitudeThe Hawaiian Secret of Forgiveness Ho‘oponopono can help anyone let go of resentment. Posted May 23, 2011: Reviewed by Jessica Schrader When it comes to learning to forgive others, it turns outLynette Paglinawan teaches an introductory course about the Hawaiian healing practice of ho’oponopono at the University of Hawaii at West Oahu. Eleni Gill. Paglinawan’s three-hour weekly The Ho´oponopono Healing Practice Is a Very Simple Method. According to this ancient Hawaiian healing technique, all problems begin with thoughts. Thinking is not a problem. The problem is that some of our thoughts are related to painful memories of people, places, objects, etc. The intellect cannot solve the problem because the intellect only 14.90€ VOIR. Les cartes Sagesse et puissance de Ho’oponopono – Ma première impression – en ouvrant le coffret – fut de l’étonnement et un peu de déception. En effet le jeu comporte que très peu de cartes et le format m’a plutôt surpris. Mais en pratiquant, je me rends compte que la taille des cartes est très bien étudiée Ho’oponopono (pronounced HO-oh-POH-no-POH-no) is a traditional Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. It is often used as an apology. Kanaka, or native Hawaiians, do this practiceHo’oponopono (pronounced HO-oh-Po-no-Po-no) refers to an indigenous Hawaiian prayer for healing through forgiveness. The word literally means “to make right ” with self and others. Ho‘o means “to make” and pono means “right”. The second “pono” indicates the need to make things right both with one’s self and others. Stefania Montagna presenta „Carte Ho’Oponopono – Vivere a ritmo con la divinità”, edito da Anima. Le carte sono disponibili in tutte le librerie d’Italia o tConosci Ho’Oponopono e le Carte di Aloha?Attraverso i consigli delle carte Aloha tutto è possibile e vicino, tutto può guarire e ricominciare, compresa la fiHo’Oponopono de Laurence Dujardin descarcă cartea pdf, epub, mobi. 1 Identify the problem or conflict that has been brought to your attention. Remove any preconceptions about the subject that automatically pop into your head. For example, if the problem has to do with someone else, release the automatic thought that it is the other individual’s problem and has nothing to do with you. 2 Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian practice of both forgiveness and of taking responsibility. It is a spiritual cleansing practice that is meant to make things right between individuals and within the community. Ultimately, it is about freedom and unravelling yourself from the web of disharmony that you think was caused by others. Lynette Paglinawan teaches an introductory course about the Hawaiian healing practice of ho’oponopono at the University of Hawaii at West Oahu. Paglinawan’s three-hour weekly Ho’oponopono – A Powerful Spiritual Self Healing Technique Ho’oponopono is one of the most effective and powerful spiritual healing techniques. In fact it’s an ancient Hawaiian forgiveness technique and self-healing practice. You can use it on any problem and you don’t need to know the cause of the problem, which is a big advantage. 14.90€ VOIR. Mais en pratiquant, je me rends compte que la taille des cartes est très bien étudiée Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian method of stress reduction, conflict resolution and energy clearing from people and places. This article refers to the transforming wisdom and its modern Ho’Oponopono works primarily at two levels: 1. Clearing your subconscious mind of the negative emotions and thoughts that it has gathered during the course of daily life; 2. By identifying the triggers of your negative emotions so that you can transmute them into positive ones. 1.

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