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John Steinbeck

Data publicării:2000
Categoria:Carte straina
Nr Pag:640
Editura:Penguin Books Ltd
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Follows the interwined destinies of two families – the Trasks and the Hamiltons – whose generations hopelessly re-enact the fall of Adam and Eve and the poisonous rivalry of Cain and Abel.

East Of Eden de John Steinbeck descarcă cartea. Further Study. East of Eden is a novel by John Steinbeck that was first published in 1952. Explore a plot summary, an in-depth analysis of Cal Trask, and important quotes. Plot Samuel Hamilton is a warmhearted inventor and farmer. He and his wife Liza, immigrants from Ireland, raise their nine children on a rough, infertile piece of land in the Salinas Valley. As the Hamilton children begin to grow up and leave home, a wealthy stranger, Adam Trask, purchases the best ranch in the Valley. Catherine Trask (Kate) Catherine is born without kindness, empathy, or any goodness at all. She learns to manipulate people at an early age, taking pleasure in the destruction and degradation of other people’s lives. Next. Caleb “Cal” Trask. Catherine is born without kindness, empathy, or any goodness at all. She eventually runs away and becomes the lover of Edwards, a man who runs a East of Eden, novel by John Steinbeck, published in 1952. It is a symbolic re-creation of the biblical story of Cain and Abel woven into a history of California’s Salinas Valley. With East of Eden Steinbeck hoped to reclaim his standing as a major novelist, but his broad depictions of good and evil come at the expense of subtlety in Okay, so aside from the fact that she marries Adam, Cathy’s main features are that she’s pure evil and she is very sexual. The biblical Eve might not be evil, but she is the one who invites evil into the world by accepting a suspicious apple from a shady snake. Actually, it’s not evil itself so much as the knowledge of good and evil. Set in the rich farmland of California’s Salinas Valley, this sprawling and often brutal novel follows the intertwined destinies of two families—the Trasks and the Hamiltons—whose generations helplessly reenact the fall of Adam and Eve and the poisonous rivalry of Cain and Abel. Catherine herself-later known as Kate-represents the potential for evil in the world. Her life in the valley is the antithesis of that which the Trasks and Hamiltons seek to achieve, as she sinks into a limited life of meanness. East of Eden ‘s path-breaking Americans seek to free themselves from the chains of the past and achieve personal Another major criticism of East of Eden is Steinbeck’s intrusive first person narrator, which appears inconsistently throughout the work. In his essay summarizing the critical response to East of Eden, scholar Richard Peterson notes, “Most of the attacks on East of Eden have focused on the first half of the novel. The structural imbalance East Of Eden de John Steinbeck descarcă cartea pdf, epub, mobi. Key Facts Characters See a complete list of the characters in East of Eden and in-depth analyses of Cal Trask, Aron Trask, Adam Trask, Cathy Ames, and Samuel Hamilton. Character List Cal Trask Aron Trask Adam Trask Cathy Ames Caleb “Cal” Trask Catherine is born without kindness, empathy, or any goodness at all. She eventually runs away and becomes the lover of Edwards, a man who runs a whorehouse. In East of Eden, Cyrus leaves his fortune, likely earned through corruption, to Charles and Adam. When Charles dies, he passes on his share to Adam and Cathy. Adam subsequently squanders his share on a failed business venture, while Cathy increases it through her work at the brothel and then passes it on solely to Aron. East of Eden is mainly the story of the Trasks, of Adam and his doomed relationship with his wife Cathy, of their boys Caleb and Aron, and of good and evil as the Cain and Abel story is repeated down the generations. In the Hamilton chapters, however, East of Eden is also a story of the process of one family changing from Irish to American Okay, so aside from the fact that she marries Adam, Cathy’s main features are that she’s pure evil and she is very sexual. Another major criticism of East of Eden is Steinbeck’s intrusive first person narrator, which appears inconsistently throughout the work. The structural imbalance Summaries Two brothers in 1910s California struggle to maintain their strict, Bible-toting father’s favor as an old secret about their long-absent mother comes to light. In the Salinas Valley, in and around World War I, Cal Trask feels he must compete against overwhelming odds with his brother Aron for the love of their father Adam. from East of Eden by John Steinbeck When a child first catches adults out—when it first walks into his grave little head that adults do not have divine intelligence, that their judgments are not always wise, their thinking true, their sentences just—his world falls into panic desolation. The gods are fallen and all safety gone. East of Eden is a novel by Nobel Prize winner John Steinbeck, published in September 1952. Often described as Steinbeck’s most ambitious novel, East of Eden brings to life the intricate details of two families, the Trasks and the Hamiltons, and their interwoven stories. East of Eden was considered by Steinbeck to be his magnum opus, and its epic scope and memorable characters, exploring universal themes of love and identity, ensure it remains one of America’s most enduring novels. This edition features a stunning new cover by renowned artist Bijou Karman.

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