Descarcă cartea Apeirogon | Colum Mccann | Fictiune

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Carte electronică – Apeirogon

Colum Mccann

Data publicării:2020
Nr Pag:560
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Rami Elhanan si Bassam Aramin traiesc aproape unul de celalalt – si totusi sunt complet diferiti. Rami e israelian. Bassam e palestinian. Placuta de inmatriculare a lui Rami e galbena. Placuta de inmatriculare a lui Bassam e verde. Rami face cincisprezece minute cu masina pana in Cisiordania. Acelasi drum ii ia lui Bassam o ora si jumatate.

Ambii barbati si-au pierdut fiicele. Fata de treisprezece ani a lui Rami, Smadar, a fost ucisa intr-un atentat sinucigas in timp ce se ducea sa-si cumpere carti impreuna cu prietenele ei. Fiica lui Bassam, Abir, in varsta de zece ani, a fost ucisa cu un glont de cauciuc de un membru al politiei de frontiera in fata scolii. In buzunar avea o bratara de dropsuri pe care nu apucase sa le manance.

Rami si Bassam au fost crescuti sa se urasca unul pe celalalt. Si totusi devin cei mai buni prieteni.

In acest roman epic – numit dupa un poligon cu un numar de laturi infinit numarabil –, Colum McCann strabate secole si continente, realizand o tesatura in care timpul, arta, istoria, natura si politica alcatuiesc o tapiserie de prietenie, dragoste, pierdere si apartenenta. Muzical, plin de forta, delicat si ambitios, Apeirogon este romanul vremurilor noastre.

„McCann face o echilibristica perfecta intre viata si arta; scriind cu un lirism si o empatie extraordinare, surprinde modul in care se propaga atat efectele provocate de violenta si durere, cat si frumusetea si puterea miraculoasa a prieteniei si a iubirii, a curajului si a adevarului.“ Booklist

„Un apeirogon este un poligon cu un numar infinit de laturi – iar cartea transcendenta a lui Colum McCann este plina de sute de segmente emotionale care indeamna la reflectie. McCann transforma aceste realitati crude in fictiune captivanta, si o face cu o imensa forta poetica.“ Independent

„Orbitor.. hipnotic.. sfasietor si fascinant.. Pe langa stralucirea caleidoscopica a naratiunii, aceasta este si o poveste profund umana.“ San Francisco Chronicle

Apeirogon de Colum Mccann descarcă cartea. Apeirogon Analysis. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. The book involves two men, a Palestinian, and an Israeli, who share common grief of losing their daughters. Rami Elhanan is an Israeli while Bassam Aramin is a Palestinian. Bassam Aramin. Bassam is the father of Abir and is the other main protagonist in the novel. He similarly breaks down his existing presumptions to form a friendship with an unlikely person, an Israeli, a person that from a young age he has been brought up to hate and despise. Bassam is Palestinian and was born in a cave before being forced to The apeirogon is an extension of the definition of regular polygon to a figure with an infinite number of sides. Its Schläfli symbol is {infty}. The apeirogon can produce a regular tiling on the hyperbolic plane. This is achieved by letting each edge of a regular polygon have length s, and each internal angle of the polygon be theta. Then construct triangle ABC, where C is the midpoint of an This section contains 581 words (approx. 2 pages at 400 words per page) View a FREE sample More summaries and resources for teaching or studying Apeirogon. An apeirogon can be defined as a partition of the Euclidean line into infinitely many equal-length segments. In geometry, an apeirogon (from grc ἄπειρος apeiros ‘infinite, boundless’, and γωνία gonia ‘angle’) or infinite polygon is a polygon with an infinite number of sides. Apeirogons are the two-dimensional case of infinite Cartea Apeirogon a fost scrisă de Colum McCann și a apărut în anul 2020 la editura Bloomsbury Publishing. Cartea are 480 de pagini și se încadrează în categoria Asian. Dacă îți dorești să citești cartea integral folosește butoanele de mai jos pentru a naviga la librăriile online care comercializează cartea Apeirogon în format fizic. Abir Aramin was killed in 2007, at age 10, by a rubber bullet fired by an 18-year-old Israeli soldier. Aramin and Elhanan responded to their daughters’ deaths by reaching out for one another, andApr 23, 2016 at 17:33. 1. A horocycle, or an apeirogon which closely tracks the horocycle, are both infinite segments in the hyperbolic plane itself, not in the circle at infinity. In the compactification, both endpoints of both of those segments approach the same point of the circle at infinity. This is not a contradiction, because the circle War, Murder, and Violence. Apeirogon narrates the tale of two fathers, Bassam Aramin, a Palestinian and an Israeli, Rami Elhanan. They share gruesome experiences of their daughter’s murders. Smadar Elhanan was among the casualties of a bombing by three Palestinian suicide bombers in Jerusalem. She was walking on the street listening to music It takes Bassam an hour and a half. Rami’s 13-year-old girl Smadar was killed by a suicide bomber while shopping with friends. Bassam’s 10-year-old daughter Abir was shot and killed by a member of the border police outside her school. There was a candy bracelet in her pocket she hadn’t had time to eat. Rami is Israeli. Apeirogon de Colum Mccann descarcă cartea pdf, epub, mobi. Rami Elhanan Rami is one of the two protagonists of the story and is central to the novel’s developing connection between him and Bassam. He is an Israeli and we see that he is willing to overcome many barriers to find common ground with the ‘enemy’. Despite the author’s lack of real experience with war and grief, Colum McCann successfully portrays the pain of Bassam and Rami while remaining true to the actual events that inspired the bond that these two fathers now share. Apeirogon is a gripping book about war, death, pain, grief, healing, and friendship. The apeirogon is an extension of the definition of regular polygon to a figure with an infinite number of sides. Then construct triangle ABC, where C is the midpoint of an An apeirogon can be defined as a partition of the Euclidean line into infinitely many equal-length segments. Apeirogons are the two-dimensional case of infinite colum mccann’s ambitious 2020 novel, Apeirogon, takes its name from a geometrical shape with a „countably infinite number of sides.” 1 As a controlling metaphor, this concept of the simultaneously finite and infinite parallels a structural, intertextual reference to One Thousand and One Arabian Nights—what one critic calls „Scheherazade’s famous telling of Middle Eastern folktales in order War, Murder, and Violence Apeirogon narrates the tale of two fathers, Bassam Aramin, a Palestinian and an Israeli, Rami Elhanan. Apr 23, 2016 at 17:33. This is not a contradiction, because the circle It takes Bassam an hour and a half. Both circles and apeirogons are „limits at infinity” of regular polygons, but in different ways. With a circle you hold the total perimeter constant as the number of sides increases, which means the side length goes to 0 and you end up with a smooth curve as the boundary of the shape.

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